Existence collapsed upon itself, drawing the weight of the cosmos into a speck of dust.

All that had existed before, all worlds, all life, all consciousness of beings, amassed to a single point.

As the last crumb of creation was consumed, an infinite power was released. Time and matter were fractured, and the universe was born anew.

New worlds coalesced, formed from the seven ancient elements.

New life emerged, propelled by the seven vital forces.

New souls were imparted to sentient beings, gifted by the seven scions.

On one of these new worlds, souls are already in peril.

Humanity is divided into tribes, and warlords wage bloody battle for control.

Among them, a dark lord feeds from the terror… his power growing with each soul harvested by his blade.

  1. All the wickedness of the world was made manifest in him.
  2. And as the malignance consumed his soul,
  3. he shed his human husk and was transformed,
  4. no longer a man but an immortal Merchant of Death.
— The Archrik Codex
Stripped of flesh, The Death Merchant armors his bones…

with creatures most foul…

with bone and horn…

blood and blades…

hooks and claws…

and vicious instruments of death.

A new Immortal is unleashed upon creation.

But power never goes unchallenged.

The true battle is just beginning. For where there is darkness, there is always light. 

And where there is light, there his hope.

To be continued…


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